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Holiday Dos & Don’ts For a Little More Joy, a Lot Less Stress

Our Tips For A Well Holiday Season

Read Time: 2-3 Minutes

Do’s & Don’t For a Little More Joy, a Lot Less Stress

Happy holidays. Tis the season of joy and good cheer. The season we wait for all year long. And the season we hope to connect with loved ones, feel joy and look our best. But how do we enjoy ourselves when the tick, tick, tick of the holiday clock begins to count down? How do we keep our cool and stay healthy in the midst of all the holiday preparations, on top of our end-of-the-year work and home responsibilities?


With this list of holiday dos and don’ts you’ll find our wellness tips for a less stressful, more joyful holiday season and self-care.


DO remember that the holidays are for sharing. The best gift you can give to someone is time - being present. Shared moments are the best memories of all. Being present, share time, stories, do activities together and create some memories. 

For those of you spending this holiday alone for one reason or another, you are not alone (truly), and please give yourself extra self-care, which is self-love.


DON’T sweat the small stuff. Seriously. Stress has a way of undermining our best efforts. It’s known to not only prompt headaches, muscle tension, fatigue and upset stomachs, it also interferes with your ability to focus, stay motivated and get a restful night’s sleep. We all know how important sleep is to both body and mind. So unwind to some soothing music, journaling or read in bed to relax. Just make sure to get enough sleep this holiday season.


DO brighten your mood--and your skin with a little TLC. Our cult favorites Aknari Brightening Youth Serum and Ayour Body Toning Serum are the perfect antidote for a stress-filled week. These two products will leave you feeling and looking soft and radiant, and the relaxing aromas calm your mind and ready for some merrymaking. These two also make the perfect gift so DO share these lovely beauties with your nearest and dearest.

DON’T worry about finding the perfect gift. It’s an old adage, but it’s true: it’s the thought that counts.


DO hit the gym or the mat. Keeping stress at bay requires sticking to your exercise routine and yet it’s one of the first things we set aside when our schedules get overloaded. Aerobic exercise reduces the levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol and stimulates the production of endorphins—your body’s own mood enhancing chemical. It’s true, exercise has amazing benefits. So make time for yoga or spin class, your body and brain will thank you.


DON’T burn out. No time for a break? Take even a short one anyway. It doesn’t have to be an all-day event. Go for a walk, take some deep breaths, take a short power nap or have a nice quiet moment with a cup of tea. These small escapes from the hectic pace of the holidays impact our overall sense of calm and happiness. They help recharge us when we need it most. So be kind, unwind.


And DO have a very happy holiday season!


-From team MŪN


Munemi Imai, Founder
As an international makeup artist, Munemi sees many different types of skin, but she knows that every one needs nurturing, balancing and brightening to achieve that youthful glow. She also knows firsthand that our #MUNGLOW starts with a healthy and mindful lifestyle. She shares her tips and knowledge right here and in our newsletters!
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